i remember meeting andy for the first time...drum sticks in hand, ready to blaze the rhythm section for sunday morning at church. being that we are both gingers, there was an immediate brotherhood understood and established - 'hey, you have red hair...so do you! sweet!'

over the past few years, jana and i have had the privilege of getting to know both andy and his beautiful bride emily...seeing them grow in love and affection for one another. the two are so incredible gentle and compassionate, and it was incredible to watch as andy grew in wisdom and courage...leading emily in a relationship that found its way to a spectacular late spring day this past saturday, hand in hand...vowing their lives to one another.

from start to finish, it was a day of joy and celebration, with almost too many stories to tell packed into a saturday. i had the incredible privilege to photographing two friends promising their lives together, while also spending the day with a wedding party full of dear friends as well...not to mention several other professional photographers in the mix! nothing like a potent mix of creative awesomeness!

while shooting full wedding party shots on the outside wall of what appeared to be an abandoned building, a man walked up and asked us if we wanted to go inside to take pictures. as he had never let anyone else in, he wasn't sure if the building had anything to offer, but mentioned that he thought there was some cool light...


talk about a crazy stroke of providence and perfect timing...and the visual treasures that building had to offer weren't even close to tapped in our short time inside.

needless to say, it was an adventure of a day, and a wedding i will look back on with fondness for years to come.

congratulations a&e! jana and i love you*

- npe
